Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Just to catch up on some things

I am possibly the worst blogger ever. It only takes me like three months to update. So yeah anyway things have been kind of crazy hectic in my life. I am working at the post office for only about two more weeks (finally out of there) and at safeway. About two months ago I got transfered to a much busier safeway. I must say I actually totally love it there. The people are great and it is busy enough that I dont get bored out of my mind. I met the coolest people working there. There is my Justin. I lvoe this kid, he is just like me only with a penis LOL. I am not kidding, he understands everything i am going through and for the most part is going through it too. He could not have come in to my life at a better time. About a week after we started talking two of my dear friends who I also met at safeway decided to up and move to Australia!! True it seems way better than here but I miss them like crazy. David and Leo were great, they were not like the people here in Arizona. (which is great cause for the most part people in Arizona SUCK) WE became insanely close then they left me. I must admit it was not easy. I try to talk to them as much as possible but the hour difference is just to crazy. Anyway safeway has been great!! I am glad I actually found a job I dont mind doing!
I am so freakin happy to be leaving the post office. I was involved in this stupid love triangle with a married man and a 62 year old man. None of them were wnated by me! I just need to get away from that. On top of that the supervisors are just plain retarded. THey have no idea how to treat people, no idea how to manage anything. They make work misrable!! So the other day when they told me my contract was not going to be renewed I was relieved. Now I just need to find a job like NOW!! I am on my way there though, I had two interview for Geico and passed the computer test. I am suppsoe to hear back from them today. I pray it works out. I need the money. ERRR I hate having to depend solely on a job to live.
I cant believe it is Christmas already. I am so not ready for it, but I love it anyway. Today is our Christmas party with my dads fmaily. Brionna and her family are coming along with Karen. It should be a great fun time!!! YAY!!! I love getting together with family and friends. it really shows how blessed I am.

Monday, September 29, 2008


I just finished at 80 hour work week!! My feet and my back hurt. I go Safeay at 11 in the morning and work til 730, then on friday I have to go to the Post officeand work from 830p, to 5 am. the other days I dont go in to the post office till 11 pm. So for the most part I work at least 14 a day!! I love my jobs for the most part. Safeway is kind of borring right now. All I do is stand at a table and give out free samples of food. I have met some of the greatest people there!! It was an instant bond between some of us. I honestly look forward to going to work just to see them, I can honestly say I have not wanted to go to work since Sams club!!! My Supervisors have started training on me to help them supervise. I love it!! I now dotn have to stand behind a table all day. I get to make the food, relieve for breaks, walk around and help them with whatever they need. They told me they love havign someone to count on and who is a great worker. It makes me feel so great that I can still do a great job!! I am only suppose to be doing this for abiyt two more weeks, after that I will see if Safeway wants to keep me on doing something else. All ym supervisors have talked to the General Manager already about me. They told me they told him that I am a hard worker, catch on fast, very determined and listen great!! They are all just the greatest things a supervisor can say about you. It all looks really good right now!!
I have been at the post office for almost a year as a casual. I am just waiting for the day they tell me I can no longer come back. The post office is like a billion dollars in the hole and the first people to go would be us casuals. I finally got a letter in the mail saying I am eligible to apply for a permanent position!! I am so freakin excited, I get a raise and ALL the benefits and I wont have to wrry a bout them letting me go just because, All I have to do is go online and apply for a postion YAY!!! I am hoping this all works out. Life seems to be continuing and I am still stuck in my hole. I am ready to get out!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New job

I go in tomorrow to fill out all my new hire paperwork. That ahs got ot be the worst part about getting a new job. Well that and learning something new. I am nto scared that I wont get it because I always do, I just hate not knowing as much as everyone else. I know it is impossible to go in to some place and right off know as much as them but it woudl be nice. This position I got is only for three weeks but they told me if I wanted to stay on to talk to the manager and I wil lbe able to continue with the company in any location within five miles. I was a cashier for them once abouta year ago. I would not mind doing that again. I really needed this second job. Even though I have a job that pays more than I use to make I seem to have less money. I need this job so I can pay off my school loans and all the debt I have. I want to get it done as soon as possible, I dont wantto be one of those people that will be paying off her debt her entire life.
I had an interview for Albertsons last week. Not sure how that one will turn out. They have not called me back yet. They wull pay me more than safeway which is good. So if they do call em back I will probably jsut do the safeway thing for three weeks and then go to Albertsons. I guess it really just depends on the hours and the pay that each place will give me. I do need to sleep sometime during the day.
THe onyl bad part about getting a second job is i will have no time to spend with my friends and family. Well its not like I spend to much time with them anyway. When I try to they are already busy. Really it is better that way. I will have less time to spend the money I am making. So in no time at all I will be debt free, then I can spend the time with the people that really matter a nd are willing to wait til I am ready.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kaylee playing with her binki

Kaylee is getting so old. It seemed liek yesterday I was waiting at the hospital for her to be born. Now she able to do her own little things. I love this girl so much.

Trying to keep busy

I am trying everything to stay as busy as I can. I am working the graveyard shift for the post office right now. I started that jon at the end of November 2007. It is not exactly a dream job but it is paying my bills right now. Working over night is started to bug me. I never get to see any of my friends or family. When I am at work they are sleeping, and when I am home and ready to go out they all are off to work or to school. So I pretty have to keep myself entertained. I have watched all of my movies over and over again. I dotn have a small collection. I have been reading a lot too. My aunt got me into the Twilight series, and I am so happy she did. That was the best way to keep me occupied. A woman can only imagine a guy as perfect as Edward cullen :)
Anyway I decided to try and get a second job. I knwo I should soend my days sleeping but it is almost impossible. Living in an apartment complex almsot makes that impossible. There is always so much noise outside. There ar either kids running, laughing, yelling, just having a good time right by my window. Or there is some kind of maintenance that needs to be done on our roof. (How many times can they fix a roof?) I had a job interview for Safeway today. I kind of hope I get it. I could really use the extra money to pay more of my school loans and credit cards.
I really want to get that done before I get to old. I dont want to spend the rest of my life paying off all the loans and debt I have.